
What is Posture?

Posture is not how you sit, or how you stand. Posture is your brains reflexive strategy for stability, which is an automatic and unconscious motor act that allows:

    • To adopt an erect position (standing upright).

    • To stabilize this position statically or dynamically.

    • To develop spatial knowledge of the self in relation to its environment.

What is Posturology?

Before you go anywhere, you have to be stable where you are. Posturology is concerned with the body's strategy to fight against gravity. Posturology is a discipline that studies the position of a subject in space:

  • Their balance

  • Their stature

  • Their poise

  • Their stability

Posturology considers the ability to remain balanced on one's feet as well as the symmetry of the body or the visual perception of horizontality.

In the twenty-first century, professionals are taught to assess pain and a range of motion with a biomechanical model.  While understanding the anatomy and physiology of the body, these models provide limited results as they bypass the most important controlling systems of all movement – the nervous system and the brain.

Our postural issues are not a matter of "weak core." Or you "sit too much." This is a reductionist view.  The major proprioceptors (knowing where our body is) & Exteroreceptors receptors (receiving information from the outside world) of our body are our: skin, feet, jaw, and eyes. These receptors that help us:

- know where we are in space.

- where the horizon is.

- where the ground is, and if it is safe.

The aim of the Posturologist is to decrease this energy expenditure by creating structural balance and a more efficient balance system.  Posturology is not a therapy. It’s a technique that optimizes human potential and because of that, you will have a lot less pain. It’s a byproduct of optimizing the nervous system. Posturology is the missing link, and the reason why we are being told we are "out of alignment.

The Benefits of Posturology:

Posturology is not intended to cure any ailment. It therefore does not claim any therapeutic application as such. The posturologist works with the idea of performance in mind. The posturologist optimizes the client's physical abilities by improving their posture and balance. It is an observation tool that can detect and improve postural asymmetries and functional balance disorders. In doing so, the benefits can as follow:

 - Elimination of physical pain.

- Elimination of muscle stiffness.

- Significant increase in stability.

If you are interested in learning more about Posturology, please email us at